NORDOX has attained many certifications for quality management and organic farming.
Management Systems Quality and Environment ISO 9001
NORDOX – system for quality Management was implemented according to ISO 9001 in 1993. In 2015 the company was certified according to the Quality Standard: ISO 9001:2015.
Management Systems Quality and Environment ISO 14001
NORDOX – Environmental Management System is certified according to the Environmental Standard: ISO 14001:2015.

NORDOX is committed to sustainable business practices that support positive social development and a holistic consideration of people, society, and the environment.
ECOCERT based in France, is a well renowned international agency for inspection, certification and quality assurance of eco-friendly products. ECOCERT inspectors have visited NORDOX in Oslo were they have inspected our factory as well as going through our routines, management systems and documentation.
All of our agricultural products are approved for organic agriculture by ECOCERT according to the following 3 standards:
- Regulations (EU) No 2018/848 and 2021/1165
- USDA, AMS 7 CFR Part 205, National Organic Program, Final Rule (also called NOP)
- Japanese JAS Law (Law Concerning Standardization and Proper Labelling of Agricultural and Forestry Products, Law No. 175.)
The Organic Materials Review Institute provides certifiers, growers, manufacturers and suppliers an independent review of products intended for use in certified organic production, handling, and processing. OMRI is based in USA and is working as a national organisation. With the OMRI Generic Materials List and OMRI Brand Name Product List, OMRI provides guidance on the suitability of material inputs under the USDA National Organic Program standards.
To see all of our OMRI listed products and download current certificates please see the OMRI website: OMRI Company Page for Nordox AS
KIWA BCS Öko-Garantie GmbH
Kiwa BCS is an EU-accredited inspection and certification body, supervised by 16 German state authorities. In addition Kiwa BCS is accredited by the US authority USDA to certify according to the NOP-final Rule and as a Registered Foreign Certification Company by the Japanese Ministry for Agriculture, Fishery and Forestry to certify according to the Japanese Agricultural Standard for Organic Agricultural Products (JAS/MAFF).
CONFIRMATIONS OF COMPATIBILITY for the use of inputs in organic agriculture:
The GMP+ Feed Certification scheme was initiated and developed in 1992 by the Dutch feed industry in response to various more or less serious incidents involving contamination in feed materials. Although it started as a national scheme, it has developed to become an international scheme that is managed by GMP+International in collaboration with various international stakeholders. NORDOX AS is certified under the standard GMP+ B2 Production of Feed Ingredients. This means our copper products are suit and safe as source of copper for animal feed.
For more information go to: www.gmpplus.org